Showing Tag: "api supplier" (Show all posts)

Harmful additives of shampoo have bad influences on hair health

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, July 9, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Blacking hair shampoo mainly relies on p-phenylenediamine, m-phenylenediamine, lead acetate and other hair colorings. The vinegar-soaked lead combcan make hair black. Lead acetate has highest contents in many blacking hair shampoo. The colorings do great harm, on human body. They may cause dermatitis, carcinogenic, teratogenic and eczema. Adding it directly into hair shampoo will do great harm to the body. The officials have banned to use the addictives. And the formal cosmetic raw material s...

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The therapeutic effect of tretinoin

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, July 5, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Tretinoin is a group of compounds which has similar chemical structures with vitamin A. It is divided into two kind of natural and synthetic. Medicinal tretinoin is chemically synthesized. Since the tretinoin is put into markets, a large number of clinical data shows that it has a very good efficacy in many skin diseases and psoriasis. The cosmetic raw material suppliers have a lot of research works in psoriasis treatment and its functional mechanism.

By using a variety of retinoic acid in e...

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Biotin can help you to remove eye wrinkles

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, June 28, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Fishtail lines refer to the wrinkles between eyes and temples on people. Generally it forms due to the dry wrinkles and aggravation of expression lines. But the genetic factor will also have a great influence on the formation of wrinkles. The formation of fishtail lines is due to neuroendocrine dysfunction, decreasing of protein synthesis rate, the decline or loss of fiber cell activity of dermal layer, reduction and fracture of collagen fibers. It leads to deterioration of skin elasticity an...

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Research and application progress of biotin in animal production

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, June 25, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Biotin is a necessary water-soluble vitamin for growth of human and animals. In 1901, scientists isolated biotin from the yeast culture medium and proved that it can promote the growth of microorganisms. In past, people generally believed that biotin was widely present in the feed and can be synthesized by bacteria in animal gut, so it was sufficient to meet the needs of the animal growth. It was no necessary to add it in dietary. In production practice, they are many biotin deficiency situat...

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Effect and safety of minoxidil

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, June 6, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Can minoxidil promote hair growth? The results show that it is entirely possible. Using minoxidil for 12 months, all 102 participants achieve significant results in hair growth. 84% of the patients have moderate or dense hair growth. Even taking into account all subjects, its response rate is over 68%. Is the hair growth meaningful or just a surface phenomenon? The further study shows that it is meaningful for 84% of cases to do continuous tests. But some cases give up the trial because. They...

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Treatment of male pattern baldness is a protracted war

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, June 4, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Treatment of male hair loss requires patience. The World Health Organization defines ‘the shining hair without dandruff’ as an important concept in the men’s health. The eastern nations regard thickness black hair as a charming future. In people’s opinion, effect hair is a symbol of sprint and strength. If people find hair loss condition, they should contact with the doctor in time. The most effective drug for hair loss is minoxidil. Patients can buy minoxidil from hospitals to cure t...

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Retinoic acid makes you bid farewell to the ichthyosis

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, May 28, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Deterioration of the environment will bring people a lot of diseases. Skin disease is the first troubling disease. Among the skin diseases, ichthyosis makes many patients involving in troubles. With the advent of retinoic acid, ichthyosis is not so rampant. Does the effect of retinoic acid really so obvious and where can people get cheap tretinoin?

Ichthyosis is a common hereditary skin keratinocytes disorders. More often than children, the disease, mainly the extensor side of the limbs or t...

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China has ranks third in advanced technology of haematococcus pluvialis

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, May 23, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Microalgae products haematococcus pluvialis gets successful development and achieves industrialization in China. Thus China becomes the third for mastering the technology of haematococcus pluvialis. The behaviors change the 13-year morphology of Japan and America companies in production of astaxanthin. The haematococcus pluvialis is a precious resource with high health value. It is a creature which contains rich astaxanthin. Astaxanthin sources play roles in capturing free radicals and antiox...

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Modern medicine can be used in curing hair loss

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, May 17, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Hair loss is a phenomenon of losing hair. Normal shedding hair is the hair in the catagen and new entrants with a dynamic equilibrium. It can keep a normal number of hairs. It is called as the normal physiological alopecia. Pathological alopecia means the abnormal or excessive hair loss in many reasons.

Main situations for loss hair are the greasy hair which lacks of luster. Some hairs are yellow or pale gray and the main features of the offer of freedom of consciousness and even zero in fro...

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Haematococcus pluvialis become the protector of collagen

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, May 16, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Human skin aging is mainly due to the loss of collagen and aging in the skin. So protecting the collagen, reducing the damage becomes the direction for research and development of most skin care products. It is the target for beauty industry over the years. Recently, the haematococcus pluvialis is recognized as the best biological nature in production of natural astaxanthin. As a new creature protecting the biological collagen, it has wide range of cognitiveness for the biosphere. The experts...

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Biotin creates a large new market

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Biotin is also known as vitamin H. It makes the body to convert food into the strength. Biological agents can contribute to the health and cell renewal and diabetes, as well as to improve and adjust the levels of blood sugar. The healthy hair and nails are also very dependent on biotin. The marketing studies have shown that biotin is orally absorbed rapidly in the stomach and intestines. About 80% of biotin is in free form. It is distributed in the body tissues, and more content in liver or k...

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Side effects of irinotecan in treatment of lung cancer

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, May 15, 2012, In : pharmaceutical raw materials 

Lung cancer is a malignant tumor with highest morbidity and mortality. Among them, 15% to 20% are SCLC. The incidence rate shows an increasing trend. It is characterized by rapid growth, early metastasis and highly aggressive. Because of its high degree of sensitivity to chemotherapy, chemotherapy is the most important and basic treatment for patients with SCLC. The EP regimen has become the standard first-line treatment for limited stage and extensive stage of SCLC, with efficiency of 60% to...

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The most important factor to cause male pattern baldness

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, May 14, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Hair loss is caused by many factors. Among them, a genetic factor has become the most direct solids. In some family members have very similar hair types: sparse hair that progressive occurs from the forehead on both sides and top of the head. This alopecia genetic is called as male baldness. Genetic alopecia is difficult to treat, because the gene has already decided everything. However, most of men are not so unfortunately. Their hair loss is often caused by acquired factors. As long as to b...

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Effect of retinoic acid on oral lichen planus

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, May 11, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammation in oral mucosa. It is a multifactorial disease with the occurrence of 0.5% to 2%. It is the result of the interaction of genetic and lifestyle factors. Most patients had spontaneous pain, anxiety and limiting the mucosa clinical symptoms. It affects the daily lives of patients. Tretinoin has a significant effect in the acute phase oral lichen planus.

After treatment with oral lichen planus returned to retinoic acid: white pattern loss, erosion heali...

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Cosmetic ingredients: hypoallergenic and preservative alternative become an industrial direction in future

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, May 10, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

With the continued growth of the daily chemicals markets in China, many multinational companies are entering the market of raw materials. There are considerable technical advantages of multi-national presence in the high-compression raw domestic companies in China. But these companies provide raw materials, technology and management experience for local companies.

The main thrust of cosmetic share two major trends. This class is based on the safety of ingredients that stimulate the formulation...

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Natural astaxanthin’s important functions in heath food

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, May 9, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Astaxanthin is used in the dye, food freshness and nutrition. Astaxanthin is soluble in fat, and has bright red swing color. It is a kind of powerful antioxidant food. It plays an important role in maintenance freshness for fishes. Japanese red astaxanthin oil are used in marinated vegetables and seaweed. They all get patents. The astanxanthins are also used to color drinks, noodles and spices.

astaxanthin has strong color strength. Research has shown that different colors in different...

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Should minoxidil seoul be added in shampoo?

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, May 8, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Minoxidil is a well-known name to many hair losers. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, and it can be used in high blood pressure. But the system for treatment of hair loss is primarily on dilate blood vessels. Minoxidil is an oral drug for clinical blood pressure.

Minoxidil direct relaxation of vascular smooth muscle, there is a strong role in the growth of small arteries and to reduce peripheral resistance, vasodilatory, blood pressure had no effect on the substrate may contribute to the capacitance...

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Cosmetic compositions’ publication

Posted by tracy ma on Saturday, April 28, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

International rules ask for appearing all cosmetics materials compositions on cosmetics packaging. The label names need to be prescribed in the order. Cosmetic products imported from China are without exception. They must be marked on a label affixed to China. Everyone's skin is different in terms of skin care products requirements will differ. Pharmaceutical substances have pharmaceutical properties. They will make cosmetic side effects happened. The very sensitive skin should be careful.


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Reduced glutathione can treat fatty liver

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, April 26, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

In recent years, with the improvement of living standards of people lives, excessive drinking and excessive intake of lipids, fatty liver disease is extremely common in clinical. But as so far there are no exact effective drugs for fatty liver. The reduced glutathione is used in the treatment of fatty liver and its efficacy is observed and compares in clinical experiments. Glutathione obtains better clinical results.

Fatty liver is fat an unusually large number accumulating in the liver, ch...

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The action mechanism of minoxidil

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, April 25, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

The nature and role of minoxidil is the same to hydrolyzing. It is strong and durable. It affects the blood pressure, so as not to affect apparent capacity for the vessel, making the peripheral vascular resistance. It directly affects the relaxation of vascular smooth muscle of small arteries. In excitability, it can reflex sympathetic and increase the heart rate and cardiac output increase. It can also increase the plasma renin activity.


The mechanism of minoxidil hair growth is not clea...

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The effect of retinoic acid in skin squamous cell carcinoma cells

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, April 24, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Since May 1983, China began extensive use of retinoic acid for the prevention of esophageal cancer in high incidence regions of esophageal cancer. The good results make the world also began to study the prevention of retinoic acid to treat other cancers.


Retinoic acid treatment of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in addition to clinical efficacy in the prevention of cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas also happened to have some effect, but applied to the clinical treatment of human use of...

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The use of Chinese herbal medicine as raw materials in cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, April 23, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Medicinal stone’s beauty function as cosmetics raw material has been recognized. Medicinal stone is mainly produced in Inner Mongolia, China. It is one kind of weathered silicate minerals including nearly 20 kinds of inorganic mineral elements and trace elements. It is mainly composed of silicon and harmless to human body. It is sweet, warm and non-toxic. It is diuretic and hepatoprotective. It is also benefit for stomach and can regulate nerve and heart function. It helps ion exchange, imp...

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Physiological function and application of biotin

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, April 17, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Biotin is a water-soluble sulfur compound. It is necessary for human and animal body to maintain normal physiological function and low molecular weight organic compounds. It is an indispensable nutrient. Biotin is widely distributed in plants and microorganism’s vivo, such as yellow maize, barley, wheat, wheat bran, alfalfa, brewer's yeast, whey powder, etc.The yeast has maximum utilization and the content. The biotin of wheat, sorghum and other cereals shows a combining state and has lower...

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Retinoic acid and antidepressant can be used in treatment of leukemia

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, April 16, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Research team of association for cancer research’s experimental studies has shown that: combination of vitamin A’s derivative retinoic acid and antidepressant can be used for the treatment of leukemia, a common type of disease. The tretinoin is called as all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and it is a vitamin A derivative. It has been used successfully to treat a rare type of disease in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). But this drug does not have effect on some more common types of AML.


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Minoxidil tonic can treat hair loss effectively

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, April 13, 2012, In : hair loss 

Male alopecia refers to the seborrheic alopecia. Minoxidil solution can be used in treating male androgenetic alopecia. After 3 months’ use, 2/3 of patients have mild to moderate hair growth. In 12 months, 74% of patients’ appearances have a significant improvement. Minoxidil is equally effective for female androgenetic alopecia.

Many drugs affect the hair growth cycle and cause hair loss. Hair loss anticancer drugs has a significant adverse reactions, minoxidil can reduce chemotherapy-...

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The use of retinoic acid therapy in dermatology

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, April 12, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Retinoic acid is a class of natural or synthetic derivatives of vitamin A. Vitamin A is necessary for normal epithelial proliferation and differentiation. But in the treatment of skin diseases, it has adverse reactions. Its molecular structure‘s improvement provides a variety of compounds with similar structures. They are collectively referred as tretinoin. Because it can not treat vitamin A deficiency, so it does not actually belong to the scope of the vitamins.

Retinoids were first star...

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Source and functions of important vitamins

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, April 11, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Vitamins are necessary nutrients for human body to maintain normal physiological functions. It can not be synthesized in the body or with insufficient synthesis. It must be taken in from a variety of food. The vitamin is not a source of energy. Their role is to guarantee the normal functioning of physiological functions. There are many different types of vitamins. It can be divided into fat-soluble vitamins and water-soluble vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins are dissolving in water. It becomes w...

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Application of retinoic acid in skin diseases

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, April 10, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

In the history of development of dermatology treatment, there are three revolutions. The first revolution is the application of antibiotics. The second revolution refers to the application of hormone. While the third revolution is the retinoic acid application. Retinoic acid is an intermediate product of vitamin A metabolism in human body. It plays an important role in the morphogenesis and differentiation of various tissues.

Retinoic acid according to the structure can be divided into three...

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Adverse reactions of isotretinoin

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, April 5, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Isotretinoin belongs to the first generation of tretinoin drugs. It is also known as 13-cis-retinoic acid. It has the effects of shrink sebaceous tissue, inhibiting the activity of sebaceous glands, reducing the secretion of the sebaceous glands, reducing keratinized epithelial cells and reducing the number of propionibacterium acnes. It is applied in the treatment of acne conglobata, nodular cystic acne outbreak acne with significant effect. Tretinoin is deeply welcomed by patients. Despite ...

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Biotin pattern changes make the price raised irrationally

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Biotin production technology made a success in 2001. It marks that China is able to produce all the forage vitamin varieties which breaks the monopoly of foreign manufacturers of biotin technology. The market price is also down sharply from 1,000 RMB / kg. Because of technological breakthroughs and factory expansion, it results in biotin oversupply. In addition to the internal and external environmental impacts in 2007 to 2008, vitamin overall prices of biotin fluctuate significantly. At othe...

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Detailed introduction of minoxidil

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, March 30, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Minoxidil is a drug for potassium channel opening. This drug is often accompanied by the emission tachycardia and cardiac output increase. It has a selective role for vascular expansion and it is often seen in the coronary, gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels and cerebral vascular. But is will not have expansion in the kidney and skin blood vessels.

Minoxidil was originally used to control high blood pressure. It was found that there is an interesting side effect to reverse or slow down t...

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Biotin prices is immersed in though

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, March 29, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Because the weak demand in the international market, too hot biotin investment from China suppliers, biotin prices has fell into the trough since the end of 2008. In recent years, pharmaceutical biotin’s demand has significant growth. Biotin export volume reached 117 tons in 2008 with an increase of 84.25%. Export value was approximately $ 77,370,000, representing a substantial increase of 278.10%. In market quotation of 2008, the highest quoted market prices of pharmaceutical biotin reache...

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Minoxidil can be used to promote hair growing

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, March 28, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Minoxidil is a vasodilator. It is originally used to treat high blood pressure with side effects of stimulating the growth factor in hair follicles. It can promote hair regrowth and a large number of clinical trials confirm that topical use of minoxidil in hair loss treatment is feasible. In 1988, 2% minoxidil seoul liquid was approved for topical treatment of male pattern rogenetic alopecia.

In 1997, 5% minoxidil solution was approved used in male pattern hair loss. Minoxidil to stimulate ...

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Pharmacological effects of astaxanthin

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, March 27, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Astaxanthin is saturated and the extensible exists in nature, like most crustaceans, salmon vivo, the leaves of plants, flowers and fruits and flamingos feather. Currently, the most important natural astaxanthin and its content is very rich algae in fresh water, rain pluvialis and phaffia rhodozyma is untreated coconut milk can promote yeast produces significant amounts of astaxanthin Fife. Astaxanthin extraction solvent, batch fermentation, CO2 supercritical extraction. May also be used to i...

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Retinoic acid has miracle functions for skin care

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, March 22, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Study found that retinoic acid has significant effect on acne, beauty. Mild acne, fine lines, get rid of, the pores close to dilute the stain almost anything, but because these drugs several times with the patient to abandon the use of a sharp. Learn the proper use of retinoic acid  may reduce side effects.

Despite the low efficiency of products in a prescription, over-retinoic acid product compared with the more the starting time, but it is relatively light on skin, but also relatively inex...

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Astaxanthin’s anit aging and anticancer effects

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, March 21, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

No one can live forever or stop the marks face left by the age. But people still want to delay the aging speed and postpone skin aging and wrinkles. In real life, there are a lot of foods which have the function, such as natural vitamin E, grape seed and beta carotene. They are all good antioxidants. But in the fight against aging and free radicals, the substances people always talk about are not the most powerful.The strongest effect is of astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin is a red pigment, can give...

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Glutathione in Chinese market

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Cysteine ​​thiol of glutathione is active groups. It has easy integration with active detoxification, mustard gas, lead, mercury, arsenic and other heavy metal salts of complex thiol groups of cysteine, glutathione. Glutathione (GSH liver cells), including the metabolism of some drugs, toxins (such as free radicals, such as heavy metals), and important physiological role in the integration of detoxifying harmful toxins harmless to the body is removed.

August detoxification, acrylonitrile...

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Tretinoin ointment should be used at night in the treatment of acne

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, March 15, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

In the treatment of acne, tretinoin ointment is a most commonly used drugs. Because of the moment eager for curing acne, some of the patients will coat retinoic acid ointment on faces both in the morning and evening. And some even use it three times a day with the results of skin redness, pain and other adverse reactions.

The main component of the tretinoin ointment is the all-trans retinoic acid. In addition to cure acne, can also be used for the treatment of psoriasis, ichthyosis, lichen p...

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Use and effectiveness of avidin and biotin

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, March 13, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Avidin is a glycoprotein extracted from the egg white. The molecular weight is 60kD.Becouse each molecule consists of four subunits, so they can close combined with four biotin molecules. It plays an important role in immune mechanisms. Biotin can not work alone in the human body. It needs comprehensive regulation combining with other enzymes, amino acids and fat derivative. The biotin’s binding constants mean the binding capacity between it with other organic molecules.

Biotin, also known...

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Naturtint hair colorant

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, March 6, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

With the improvement of people's living standards, the hair dye as a hair cosmetic has been gradually stepped into ordinary people’s life. It is a modern self-expression and personalized embellishment. The hair dye can make hair color return to nature and make up for the regret of some inherent or acquired. As a personality and stylish embellishment, many people change the single hair color. On the basis of the original hair color, the dye changes or adjusts the colors of hairs in pursuit o...

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Application of yellow hollyhock in cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, March 2, 2012, In : Cosmetics material 

Yellow marshmallow is a perennial herb distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. It belongs to malvaceae okra genus and its roots, stems, leaves, flowers and seeds can be used for medicinal. People use its leaves deposite into powder. It has the functions of sprinkle the swelling and pain, boils to gangrene. It root contains 16% of phlegm. They are mainly arab glycans, galactose and rhamnose polysaccharide. Flowers contain anthocyanin pigments. In addition, in the yellow sunflower, the in...

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About Astaxanthin

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, December 16, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Astaxanthin is a red pigment, can give the ornamental fish, salmon, shrimp, and flamingo pink color. Its chemical structure similar to β - carotene. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid group. Class carotene synthesis is the highest level of product, β - carotene, lutein, canthaxanthin, lycopene is a carotenoid synthesis and so on, but the intermediate product, so in nature, astaxanthin has the strongest antioxidant activity.
Astaxanthin is a natural world by the algae, bacteria and phytoplankton ma...

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Common antioxidants in cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, December 15, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
With the age increasing, the body protection is decreased. Physiological damage caused by lipid peroxidation, especially reactions that endogenous superoxide free radicals in the body in the unsaturated fatty acids, resulting in unstable lipid peroxidation, and thus the decomposition of aldehydes, especially malondialdehyde aldehyde, which attacks phospholipids and proteins by the reaction to form lipid-protein complex, Lang lipofuscin deposition in the cell, as a sign of cellular aging. Ther...
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The function of preservatives

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, December 14, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Preservatives are those associated with modern society and prosperous technological and economic development of the material, but in today's organic maintenance and environmental beauty trend, many skin care brands began to promote not add preservatives. What is the exactly effect of preservative about skin care? Let's talk about that.
What kind function of preservative? The main addition to the preservatives in addition also contains antibacterial antiseptic, skin care products contain many n...

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The common used hyperkeratosis in cosmetic

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, December 13, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
When the epidermis of skin aging, the metabolic rate will slow down, and the cuticle often can not fall off in time, so that the surface of the skin will be rough. Use a gentle skin exfoliation agent can promote aging of cells in the stratum corneum of the bonding force between the reduced and accelerate cell renewal rate and promote cell death from the other to achieve the purpose of improving the skin condition, have to make the skin smooth, delicate, soft effect on the skin with wrinkles, ...
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The ultramicro carrier of cosmetic actives

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, December 12, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
With the improvement of living standards, consumer demand for cosmetic quality is also rising, only a simple formula based skin care ingredients can no longer meet consumer demand, more and more cosmetic trend toward a more scientific, natural and effective direction development, cosmetics not only moisture, cleaning, moisturizing, sun protection, anti-wrinkle and skin care and so on, but also treatment, repair of the skin effect, skin is more young, natural, feel more delicate. Thus, in the ...
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Application of sunscreen cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, December 9, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Sunscreen cosmetics is the hot spots of the development of global cosmetics industry in recent years. As people's living standards, design requirements for sunscreen products from both UVA UVB protection to the development of protective organic molecules. Protection concept has been developed to protect the face from exposure to sunlight for the protection of other parts of the body.
Currently, the types of sunscreen cosmetics are: sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen powder and sunscreen lipstick ...

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Development of new trends in cosmetic raw materials

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, December 8, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Hair conditioners and multi-functional cosmetic ingredients of natural products is the development of hot spots. U.S. sales of California requires all state mousse products, volatile organic compounds content of not more than 6%, the provision will encourage manufacturers create new formulations, to reduce the VOC content of products. BASF, Ciba Specialty Chemicals Corporation, Croda, ISP, National Starch care products company, Rhodia, Rohm & Haas, Uniqema have launched a new product correspo...
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Polyphenols, the new favourite of cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, December 7, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
The skin color is mainly determined by the content of the black tangled. Melanoma is generally considered the generation mechanism of melanosomes within melanocytes through the tyrosinase enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of nitric acid casein. There are currently commonly used VE, VC, superoxide dismutase SOD, kojic acid and plant extracts. All have whitening effect. Such as Morus alba, Burnet, hops, Dan. Witch Hazel has very good skin lightening effect, the active ingredient with a large t of the ...
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The analysis of protein cream

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, December 6, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Cosmetics is a necessity of daily life, with social development, technological advances, rising living standards, it has entered a rapid stage of development. The categories of it has cream, butter, flour, water, varieties innovation, and new products are cosmetics market has witnessed a dazzling, blossom prosperity. Hydrolyzed protein as a raw material for the production of protein cream, in cosmetics in the garden, as one succeeds, filled with "return to the natural" meaning of the wonderfu...
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The development of cosmetic materials about prevent skin aging

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, December 5, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
"Prevent aging" is one of the biggest target of skin care cosmetics. Grasp the essence of all skin care products can even be said that are in order to prevent skin aging. In an aging society, from a variety of point of view, concern for quality of life above all else, in this social context, to achieve successful aging (emphasis on beautiful days) it seems the future will play cosmetics increasingly important role. With age, the skin will show a wide range of aging. Wrinkles and folds which a...
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The application about some of cosmetics material

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, December 2, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Vitamin E in the application of cosmetics: Generally speaking, their esterification in the form of vitamin E (tocopherol acetate), vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, brown-red, unstable, heat-sensitive to light and ultraviolet light, easily oxidized, and so are often used as a cosmetic anti-oxidants, vitamin E content in rice bran oil is 41 mg/100 g ~ 250 mg/100 g, is an important industrial source of vitamin E.
Vitamin E is very stable, pale yellow, to heat, ultraviolet light, etc. are not ...

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Analysis about composition of whitening product

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, December 1, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
The role of popular whitening ingredient is basically as the following now, first, inhibition of the "three-enzyme one element" of the activity, the second is to promote the skin off, to speed up the excretion of melanin, the three melanoma cell is selectively toxic. Whitening products on the market following the instructions in the highest frequency of several components, their efficacy and safety do?
Kojic Acid: the ability to inhibit tyrosinase activity in comparison tests found that the ex...

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Mechanism of cosmetic preservatives

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, November 30, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Preservatives to prevent microbial growth that can respond or prevent microbial growth in the product material. In cosmetics, preservatives is to protect the product, to protect them from microbial contamination, extend product shelf life; to ensure the safety of products to prevent microbial contamination of the use of consumer products may be caused by infection. Cosmetic deterioration caused by microbial contamination, under normal circumstances, can be reflected in the appearance. Such as...

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New direction for research and development of cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, November 29, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

The use of peptide products, including technology development Anaw Force Extra (Avon) and Visibly, Firm Active Copper (Neutrogena). Peptides in their proper absorption and retention in the skin below the surface will cause difficult problems to deal with the preparation and stability issues. Copper peptide formulations of other chelating ingredients are very sensitive to strong oxidation - reduction component is also very sensitive. Bioinorganic chemistry of copper is complex. Copper peptides...

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Development of new trends in cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, November 28, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Today, natural and organic cosmetics in Europe and North America has become the core of care market in France, a survey showed that 37% of consumers are using natural and organic products, natural organic cosmetics, with the intention to purchase up to 87% of consumers , and this trend is increasingly to Asia. Five years ago, the world's few natural and organic products on the market, but now the market has a lot of similar products, turnaround occurred in 2008, when many brands have introduc...

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Cosmetic raw materials will usher in the era of green

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, November 25, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
In recent years, cosmetics have become increasingly serious security issues, from the residual surfactant Johnson dioxane to the King and ZPT storm event, a series of security problems caused by cosmetics, cosmetic raw materials for the public safety issues of great concern in China cosmetics manufacturing industry has also led to "green revolution." It is from the Shenzhen International cosmetics, personal and household care products raw materials exhibition (PCHi2011) investigation, natural...
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Decrypt the cosmetic ingredients of the AHA

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, November 24, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

What is Alpha Hydroxy Acid: it referred to as AHA, is present in a variety of natural fruit or yogurt in the active ingredient. The use of acid derived from the ancient Egyptian and Roman times, but the beauty of the skin effect has been found by Scott M.D from the United States and Chinese-American Dr. Yu Ruijin in 70's.
The role of acid: about the role of acid, respectively, from the perspective of both the epidermis and dermis. Acid acting on the epidermis, the skin cells by reducing the co...

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How to deal with cosmetics allergies

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, November 23, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Occurrence of cosmetic contact dermatitis, as long as immediately stop using all types of cosmetics and timely diagnosis to the hospital, the first control of the disease, the symptoms will be eliminated in general 1-2 days, unless the cause can not detect, or they use other types of cosmetic This intersection occurs allergic dermatitis easy to repeated attacks, or into a chronic, delayed healing. Of course, another point is that we easily fall into the error, there is an allergy to use cream...

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Chinese essential oil exports keeps stable

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, November 22, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

In the first quarter of 2011, the total account about chinese exports products of plant essential oils is $ 61,952,000, get an increase of 72.3%, as 23.3% in plant extracts exports. Among them, essential oils like eucalyptus oil exports products to the maximum, a quarter of exports of $ 31,820,000, an increase of 75.8%. From the export data, essential oils products with great export potential.
Essential oils has been China's traditional export superior products. At present, China's oil industr...

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The development of China's cosmetic industry is speed up

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, November 18, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

After 20 years of rapid development, China's cosmetics industry has formed a shape, full of vigor and vitality of the industrial army, has made remarkable achievements. Cosmetics companies have mushroomed, more and more numerous cosmetic brands emerging, increasingly competitive market. China has become the world's most promising cosmetics market, along with China's rapid economic growth, the cosmetics industry and broad development prospects.
According to the China State Statistics Bureau, Ch...

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The hazardous substances in cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, November 17, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

For many women, cosmetics is an essential element in daily life. Cosmetics is a smear, spray or other similar methods, applied to any part of the body surface (skin, hair, nails, lips, oral mucosa, etc.) to achieve clean, eliminate bad odors, skin care, beauty and grooming products purpose. With people's living standards improve, cosmetics and daily life increasingly close relationship, and now features gradually from simple cosmetic cosmetic modification to the functional aspects of an exten...

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Lithotherapy, without the burden of aesthetics?

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, November 16, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
The definition is more abundant than expected ore from gold, platinum, silver, copper and other metal ores, to amber, agate, diamonds, minerals like mica and other crystals, to malachite, obsidian and other volcanic rock, which in nature After thousands of years of baptism, contains a wealth of magnetic field, energy, minerals. As early as 3,000 years ago, Cleopatra of Egypt to have a gold record this beauty of metal ores; and palace in the ancient Chinese jade massage also spread to the face...
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The risk of microbial contamination about cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, November 15, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Microbial contamination of cosmetics is in addition to raw materials other than natural ingredients, to affect its safety is another major factor. Generally be cosmetic contamination in the production process as level 1 pollution; cosmetics in the course by the pollution called the secondary contamination.

Level 1 pollution: from microorganisms in the cosmetic raw material itself, can also be contaminated during production. Therefore, their physical and chemical properties of raw materials, mo...

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The breakthroughs of cosmetic active ingredient Ceramide R & D

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, November 14, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd. use its unique technology, successfully developed the world's smallest "imitation of the structure of the human keratinocyte ceramide." Ceramide is important in recent years developed a skin care active ingredients, human skin has a protective, nourishing and moisturizing effect, this research and development of the technology successful, will greatly improve the composition of the skin permeability and repair power, for a new generation of high-moisture, high repair...

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European and American chemical companies are boost innovation in cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, November 9, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

The downturn of global economic hit much on the Europe and America chemical industry. Much different from the paint and pharmaceutical area on Innovation formulacosmetics and personal care industrial is very positive in using fresh product, and quite repid in bringing out new item. In order ot develop new profit growth point ,European and American chemical companies pushout an innovative cosmetic and personal care products which combine  more functionality and comfort.
Swiss Mibelle biochem...

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How to develop the cosmetics fragrance industry rapidly

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

China has more than 830 essence and fragrances business, the real scale of it is not more than 100, about 90% of small and medium enterprises. Most state-owned enterprises and large private enterprises in middle and low market fierce competition, overcapacity, price war situation. While the high-end products in the state-owned share proportion of small enterprises, a large number of shares to be occupied by foreign-funded enterprises, the current competition for market share has reached a sta...

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Seven questions about preservatives in cosmetics

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, November 7, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
1, Is it necessary to use preservatives?

First, the use of preservatives in cosmetics primary role is to prevent the growth of microorganisms in the product, the nature of skin care products to maintain stability, and opening the lid after use non-perishable. The more water the more need for skin care products, preservatives, such as lotion, emulsion, ointment or wax while the closer, the bacteria more difficult to survive, relatively small demand for preservatives. In addition, the preservati...

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Global flavors and fragrances market will increase faster in future

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, November 4, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
In Freedonia Group's latest report, by the food and beverage processing industry demand and the developing countries to stimulate consumer spending and other factors, the next four years, the global flavor and fragrance market will grow 4.3% annually to 2014 The global flavor and fragrance market will total $ 23.5 billion. Among them, 28% in North America, Asia-Pacific region accounted for 28%, Western Europe accounted for 27%, 17% elsewhere.

Reported that by 2014, food and beverage processing...

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Collagen tripeptide leading cosmetics industry trend

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, November 3, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Whether it is cosmetics or health foods, can be more effectively absorbed by the body, is the dream of consumer desire. It has long been mistakenly believed that the human body needs amino acids mainly in the form of the protein is absorbed. However, nearly two years of scientific discovery, absorbed by the body is not the main form of the protein amino acids, but peptides.

Peptides are two or more amino acids linked by peptide bonds of compounds on the human body to effectively absorb the pr...

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Secret about cosmetics without preservatives

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, November 2, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Maybe cosmetics formula is a little crude is difficult to understand, but with the progress of The Times and the modern people pay attention to the external appearance, maintain article all the existence of life, you need to know more. With joy agitation, many maintenance brand began to advocate don't add preservatives, preservatives may be modern civilization the causes of disease, also may be let us protect skin the secret weapon, exactly?

1. The antiseptic function

The main outside except an...

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Organic raw material of natural plant protect skin

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, November 1, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
"Organic" is thunder wave, and quickly spread from the table to the field of beauty. Organic skin care has become the most fashionable, but, what is organic skin care? Natural enough? Without adding enough? Or quickly make up a lesson, do not become an amateur organic skin care oh.

Natural non-organic

Almost most of the organic beauty brand will have a story: the inventor of an entirely because they can not be assured of the product and, therefore, astaxanthin their own back garden to grow flow...

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The prices of imported cosmetics rising with natural raw materials

Posted by tracy ma on Monday, October 31, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Recently, many consumers find that in addition to price, even more distressing is the concept in many cosmetics brands determining which products. From a market point of view, essential oils, Cosmetics material, without adding other new concepts will also accelerate the selling.

FANCL from Japan in 2007 made a good market performance, more importantly, a group of Japanese brands to Chinese consumers without adding no added spread the idea that there is no added fragrance in cosmetics, alcohol,...

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Misunderstanding about cosmetic preservatives

Posted by tracy ma on Friday, October 28, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
Preservatives to be questioned

And used as preservatives in foods, the role of preservatives in skin care products to prevent microbial growth is largely reasonable to extend product shelf life, ensure that the product will not be used during the various contamination and deterioration.

You know, skin care products in the maintenance of components, most are natural organic substances such as amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, vegetable gum, and both are bacteria, microorganisms bre...

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Why could cosmetic make skin allergy

Posted by tracy ma on Thursday, October 27, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Dermatology clinic in a substantial proportion of facial contact dermatitis caused by cosmetics. Cosmetic ingredient complex, containing a variety of chemical substances such as pigments, fragrances, preservatives, emulsifiers and various improvements since the role of nutrition or additives. Many substances can irritate skin and cause allergic reactions. In addition, some chemical substances to the skin or cosmetic procedures to make it easier to enter the stratum corneum antigen cause aller...

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"No," the concept of natural cosmetics, pigment application

Posted by tracy ma on Wednesday, October 26, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 

Recent market trends in cosmetics, natural cosmetics, namely that the "no" concept of cosmetics, from the beginning into a mature stage. A variety of cosmetic brands have launched a natural cosmetics, natural cosmetics in the market share is gradually improving, and consumer demand is also increasing. The common feature of natural cosmetics using organic plants, no preservatives, no artificial flavors, no artificial colors, etc., especially if recently used Nipagin esters (parabens, preservat...

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The seven components of cosmetics cause skin damage

Posted by tracy ma on Tuesday, October 25, 2011, In : Cosmetics material 
No matter what kind of cosmetics are from a variety of chemical compositions, and these chemical components, some of the hidden infestation of harmful substances in the skin, these chemical constituents have a direct irritant to the skin, may cause skin sensitivity, pigmentation, acne, even worse, there may be hazardous to their health, and even cancer, API supplier so we must have such a clear understanding of composition, to prevent injuries.

Ingredients A: Alcohol

Alcohol has two fatal wea...

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